We're the only party with the guts to fight for what really matters. No more pandering to the southeast, no more empty promises. It's time for real action.
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Tuesday, 11 Mar, 2025
Member for Kennedy Bob Katter is supporting calls for Mount Isa and Cloncurry to be classified as ‘very remote’ so teachers can access the federally funded Reduction of Higher Education Loan Program (HELP). “We have written to the minister for education requesting an urgent review of the location classification systems in use and how we […]
Read moreTuesday, 11 Mar, 2025
Townsville’s crime wave shows no sign of slowing, prompting Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto, to call on the Crisafulli Government to adopt stronger measures, including Castle Law, Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, and Bush Sentencing. Despite a change of government, Mr. Dametto said the city’s crime statistics are as alarming as […]
Read moreWednesday, 5 Mar, 2025
As North Queensland marks one month since record-breaking floods devastated the region, the answer is becoming more clear as to why Category D funding has taken so long to be activated. It is standard procedure for state governments to request this funding from the commonwealth, and past disasters of this nature and magnitude have seen […]
Read moreWe’re here to fight for what you need. So speak up, be heard, and help us ensure North Queensland gets the representation it truly deserves.
Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) is dedicated to advocating for the rights and interests of regional and rural Australians. Our mission is to ensure fair representation and resource allocation for these communities, which are often overlooked by capital cities.
KAP believes that all Australians deserve a fair go. We stand for policies that protect and enhance both the social and economic fabric of the nation, ensuring the sovereignty and independence of Australia. We are committed to creating an environment that nurtures individual initiative and the development of every person’s talents and skills to their maximum potential.
KAP is dedicated to holding the government accountable and ensuring that the voices of regional and rural Australians are heard. We strive to create policies that benefit these communities and advocate for their fair treatment.
I would like to know the Katter Party stance on nuclear power with regards to reliable base load power, I have been voting for you guys for the last 10 years but would have to change my vote at least federally because I personally believe without nuclear there will be no reliable power generation
Submitted by Brian
2025-03-10 08:06:31
I am a disability support worker in age care [NDIS] I have been assaulted at work last year. The ndis is a joke 1 million a dollar year plans for people's brains have left late stage dementia in home care. The government are splashing money everywhere on ndis when we don't need it I have kids on ndis myself I have a disability myself doesn't mean I couldn't work now we are giving everyone with autism a card you don't have to work just stay home and get paid bull crap everyone can work. My family stand by everything you said on 60 minutes or aca fix australia how do we defend ourselves from China if they have just taken all the knives off the streets and we have no guns bit silly it's basically a country who s a free target
Submitted by Kay-cee Elliott
2025-03-09 21:18:24
I will never again vote for any party that bases Australia's defence on total reliance on the U.S.A. and the use of weapons supplied by them that may be made inoperable by them at any time based on a whim of the American government. America's time in the sun is over and we should recognise this and prepare accordingly.
Submitted by Keith
2025-03-08 23:37:47
Having been a remote area nurse for a long time there needs to be a campaign “if you drink grog, take drugs gunja, speed, exstasy, methamphetamines black or white, and it’s both. It’s your children who don’t get food, school uniforms or books to do school work and you bash women”. Those days are long gone now. It’s children who need protection from this dysfunctional mining arrangement in Queensland. It’s the children who suffer.
Submitted by Maree
2025-03-07 15:36:47
Cyclone Alfred Well now would this event receive the same media coverage if it were Townsville not Brisbane in the firing line??? Bring on the state of North Queensland!
Submitted by Rob
2025-03-07 02:02:13
Do you support regional bush towns ? Do you support miners? Do you support miners who make the choice to relocate to live in regional bush towns rather than drive in drive out? If your answer is yes to all the above would you push for prompt availability to urgent medical services when needed? Young women who do this work or who’s husbands / partners are mine workers and live in these small regional bush communities are often left in the lurch when needing urgent appointments for unusual cell pathology with possibility of cancer recurrence; Endometriosis complications ; early entrance into forced Menopause due to necessity of Complete Hysterectomy due to advanced complications of Endometriosis. Services for Women of the bush and or small regional towns are scarce. These Women generally have to travel long distances to larger regional towns or cities. Example: Young family chose to relocate from Townsville to Tieri, inland from Mackay / Rockhampton area. A PAP Test has revealed unusual cell pathology requiring further investigation ie biopsy. Left waiting to hear of further appointment date and time. Will need to travel to Emerald ; Mackay; Rockhampton or back here to Townsville. Cancer cells findings is very scary for young women in early 40’s with a primary school aged child. Particularly as cancer has been found previously. Please push for policy that supports easy access to high quality medical attention/service in regional bush towns. If this lack of help continues these small regional mining townships will fold. workers will make choice to drive in drive out in order to protect their families. Bob has always championed the bush and mine workers. Please draw his attention to this urgent matter hopefully he will take up the cause and bring it to publics attention in the lead up to the up coming Federal Election.
Submitted by Karen
2025-03-06 06:32:14
Hi, any chance of having a audit on how much the town of Cloncurry make in pokie machines . Per Person? . Per Population?. Also how much of that revenue is bought back to Cloncurry.
Submitted by Peter
2025-03-05 17:35:10
Hey mate. Can you look into something please? Qantas have changed the prices and also their Qantas points on their flights out of Mount Isa on Wednesday and Thursdays. This aligns with the roster changes over for most who work the 7/7 roster at Isa Mine as well as the smaller surrounding mines. I feel as though it’s Qantas taking advantage of the workers and companies who live and work in Mount Isa.
Submitted by Brendan
2025-03-02 21:05:36
We need some action on the gun laws and rights in Queensland. Where I grew up in the United States it was legal for just about anyone to purchase a firearm at age 18. In Queensland there are many more restrictions required to obtain and keep a gun license. But not enough. Offences some people think are 'unrelated' such as DUI (aka operating a multi ton piece of heavy equipment in public, at high speeds, while knowingly impaired and endangering others lives recklessly) need to permanently impact the potential for someone to obtain a license to own a firearm. Remember self defence is our right but firearms are designed for one purpose - killing.
Submitted by James
2025-02-24 03:59:56
Castle Law should be by default law in Australia. The same way we have laws for intimidation and personal space. it should also be the same for our homes. furthermore, freedom of speech is big one that more and more the mayor political parties are cheeping away and without being able to speak our minds, imagination and creativity dies.
Submitted by michelle
2025-02-22 09:16:12
As an Australian and a tax payer I would love to have access to public lands to go hunting and fishing, (as that is a huge part of my culture). Also why do I have to ask permission to fish on Indigenous land , after all I pay tax for that too. Castle law is outmost important these days as well. All of this begs a question, is this country even Australia as one as it used to be? Or are the majority of us now second class citizens?
Submitted by Roger
2025-02-21 07:16:33
Dear Bob Katter or whom it may concern, My name is Timothy Watson and I am a uni student that lives on Magnetic Island. I believe the ferry ticket prices to and from Townsville to magnetic island are unfair. I work at a local fish and chip shop and clean the beaches when I go for walks (you should see the amount of pollution that is being washed up on the beaches). I don't understand why the government has subsidised the Brisbane ferry services but not Townsville's. I believe that the subsidised public transport was mostly funded by the coal royalties tax. Which mostly came from north Queensland. Why is the money from these mines funnelled out of the region? I don't have much money. And my friends don't have much as well. This makes it tough for them to visit me because it is a $39 return ticket. Thats outrageous. The ferry tickets don't need to be 50c as I understand the fuel and operations cost but that is over an hours wage almost pushing two, to travel to and from Magnetic Island to Townsville. I believe that making the ferry tickets more affordable would boost tourism on this island as well. Many of my friends don't travel here as much as they would like as it is just too much. I also feel the same can be said for Palm Island as making the ferry tickets more affordable I would believe encourage people to travel there. During this cost of living crisis I hope that something is done to make the only way to travel to and from Magnetic Island more affordable for all of the people that live there and all the people that want to visit this beautiful Island.
Submitted by Timothy
2025-02-19 15:53:45
I support Castle Law, I want to be able to defend my belongings, my property and most importantly my family from intruders. What happens to them after verbal warning is their own fault.
Submitted by Ryan
2025-02-14 09:31:19
I strongly support Castle Law. Once someone intrudes on your private space and refuses to respond to verbal warning to leave or is threatening you or others in your home or worse, is armed and making demands then what happens to them is their own making. Whether they are 14, 40 or 80.
Submitted by Noela
2025-02-07 00:50:10
We need more KAP representatives available for south east queensland so there is actually somebody to cast a vote towards. Fully agree with the KAP stance on Castle Law. There desperately need to be a legally sound act for personal, home/family protection defense mechanism in place for home invasion crimes that offers the threat and pre thought to potential offenders of severe repercussion or fatal consequences for invasion crimes and that they will not be tolerated in the community. I would like to see the offenders here try on the same bold unchallenged tactics they use in Texas and see how far they get !!!!
Submitted by Brad
2025-02-04 09:08:34
We need that tunnel instead of the ranges we have. When they close we can't get to work which means reduced income for families. I'm sure there is enough valuable minerals in that mountain to pay for it. Nothing for free in the Tablelands for children. The crime is out of control I feel safer in Sydney by myself at night than in Mareeba during the day
Submitted by Rynee
2025-02-03 10:27:34
In Queensland, schooling is compulsory for children from age 6 and a half to age 16, or until they complete Year 10 (whichever happens first). Parents can be fined if a school-age child doesn't go to school, unless there is a reasonable excuse. This is working, so perhaps parents could be jailed or forced to community service if their offspring commit crimes.
Submitted by Magda
2025-02-03 05:16:30
The politicizing of our police force against the population that enjoys outdoor activities, aka, shooting, fishing, 4wding and motor bike riding. Because of weak leadership our rights have been eroded, hopefully that is something you could look at.
Submitted by Ronald
2025-02-03 03:51:10
In Townsville for example the little darlings are set to the Cleveland holiday facility from all over the state and once their holiday is over they’re let out the front doors into Townsville streets with a swag of new skills and contacts to help them unleash on the local population. The little darlings need to be returned either to the family home or their last known address/area to login with the local parole/youth justice officials to ensure they will be reintegrated within their home location. Not unleashed on the Townsville population where they are allowed to hone their newly acquired skills. The magistrates need to be forced to issue hard and enduring penalties which instill a sense of heart into these little darlings that they will never want to commit an offence which would have them sent back into the correctional establishment again. No television, no video games, no creature comforts, put the little darlings to work with meagre rations to ensure health and wellbeing, basic ablutions, coveralls, boots and gloves and a hat for work details, open toed sandals and light pants and shirt for off duty hours. During off duty hours they will receive a total of two hours of radio news to be played over a central speaker PA system. The PA system will also be utilised to address the little darlings passing on new information relevant to the next days tasks and duties which they all will be engaged regardless. Good behaviour will attract use of the ball courts under strict supervision for periods not more than one hour at a time. I could continue but I feel you know my stance on this issue. Working within the laundromat washing work clothing/casual clothing and linen, working in the kitchen preparing meals, cleaning after meals, cleaning the dining room and also maintaining the grounds of the facility. No one gets a free ride. Cleaning and maintaining all public garden and recreational areas, washing graffiti from public areas, picking litter up from the roadways, creeks, channels and causeways. Every little darling would be fitted with no less than three incentive devices to encourage their continued happy engagement in all programs assigned to each individual during their incarceration being 1. Left ankle, 2. Right ankle, and 3. Neck these encouragement devices will be geocached to certain areas and if any individual or individuals attempts to break past a geocached perimeter they will receive a series of electrical stimulations from each device in order to encourage them to return within the geocached perimeter. If for some reason the levels of encouragement fails to ensure the little darling/s return inside the perimeter within two minutes all three devices will deliver a incapacitating level of voltage required to stop them immediately and in so doing this will give correctional guidance officers the ability to recover the individual/s ready to regain their position within the workforce. Real time during incarceration working not having a holiday. I think I should be placed in control of the correctional establishments across the state in order to make this happen
Submitted by Michael
2025-01-31 11:22:55
This does mean a lot to me after having my house broken into and have them walk into my room and me having to fight back
Submitted by Scott
2025-01-31 01:59:07
As a law abidding citizen and a person that has been vetered by the stringent process of obtaining my firearms licence, I am subject to unfair restrictions to keep my licence. Recently, the government wanted to pass laws whereby misdemeanours committed prior to or after obtaining my licience would provide grounds of my licience cancellation. These were for instances like DUI's and similar unrelated offences, which now made you a threat to society and therefore removal of your licence. Gun laws should be unified Australia wide, how does a rifle with a folding stock be illigal in NSW but deemed safe in other states. Laws should be consistent across all states and then regulated by each state. Being able to defend myself, my wife, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren should be my right, the fact that they enter my premisses or are in the process of stealing my property is the crime. These persons are placing me in the position where theirs rights are more important than mine or my family, it should always be rememebered that they are breaking the law not me. Fact, all states/countries where gun control laws are reasonable have lower crime rates than states/countries where draconian laws are in place. The fact whereby an intruder may be confronted by a armed gun owner that is prepared to defend his family and property, is in itself a deterent.
Submitted by Joe
2025-01-30 23:31:56
Thank you for listening to the people of Queensland. We need the Queensland Government to have a daily voice. Transparent, informing us like Joe did, "feeding the chooks" on what's going on. I'd like to see some action to reverse the extreme laws bought in by the previous Government. This Queensland Government with its majority can do much to wind back the clock on issues that queenslanders and majority of Australians hate. And set the tone for the rest of Australia. They just need the balls, and the people's prayers to make Queensland great again.
Submitted by Joy
2025-01-30 17:06:19
Stop the no, smacking laws! Bring back discipline into the families homes! I’ll say it (a bloody good open hand smack or with the belt! Never heard us! and power back into the schools with teachers, bring back punishment and the good old canes and rulers and give police, back they’re authority to grab these youths and lock them up when needed! Discipline starts with parents at home and then teachers and authorities later, if needed. The government today has taken all that away from parents, school and even the police so who do you think is going to teach these youth when the rights of elders have been taken away and abolished because a good old smack now days, hurts they’re feelings but what about everyone else in society that is getting robbed, stabbed, shot or bashed and have they’re belongs stolen and they’re goods and homes wrecked and destroyed then what about everyone in todays society’s hurt feelings? I a firm believer that the youths crocodile tears will dry up and they’ll learn! Disciplined Children = Respect and Happiness!
Submitted by Rebecca
2025-01-30 10:52:25
Extremely concerned that Dutton is going to bring in the cashless INDUE Card for age pensioners and veterans. He says he is brining it in for aboriginal people with alcohol and drug issues , but social media has many saying its coming for the elderly and veterans. Many elderly struggle with technology they simply wont cope with this card. They like cash to shop where they want when they want, pay a bit of cash to local kids to mow a lawn, wash a car run an errand , give grand kids money for a birthday, and set aside cash each fortnight to save for the bigger bills. Why cant Dutton respond to message to clear up what is a huge concern for many elderly people.
Submitted by Julia
2025-01-30 08:16:33
The population in Brisbane is getting ridiculous. I am from north Brisbane, you cannot go for a peaceful drive anymore. The traffic is almost constant. All areas a getting more and more crammed. We DO NOT need more people, we need more space, more freedom. Leave some land as bushland instead of clearing it all to squeeze in more and more houses. I used to love Brisbane, now I hate it, but due to family medical issues I can’t leave.
Submitted by Andrew
2025-01-30 07:00:46
Bring in Castle Law asap please?
Submitted by Anne
2025-01-30 06:58:36
Castle Law needs to be introduced to Queensland as a priority, but with some controls such as a provision for security systems, CCTV cameras and "Back to Base" intrusion alarms. I would like to see the Qld Govt introduce some sort of reimbursement for installing thi type of equipment. Another subject that bugs the hell out of me is Daylight savings, why can't Queensland align itself with the other States so we all work in the same time zone, its just plain stupid that we do not adopt a standard Eastern Time Zone for all States
Submitted by Stuart
2025-01-30 03:16:14
When can we revisit castle law? I think everyone should be able to feel safe in their home and as a father of young kids I shouldn’t go to jail if someone enters my home and I defend it.
Submitted by Mick
2025-01-26 17:24:06
As a bloke who is from a cattle station I have some ideas to help farmers and other working class in the country. At the moment endangered and native plants are protected and can’t be cleared which is fair enough but why is it illegal to remove any vegetation within a 10 metre radius, and the amount of green zones on private land is ridiculous making it impossible to clear land this also makes mustering cattle extremely dangerous for both the animals and people it also means that farmers getting contractors in to work need to pay them extra days cutting into the already small profit in farming. I hope this message is read and taken into consideration. Alec Smith
Submitted by Alec
2025-01-25 22:26:48
Happy Australia Day Bob Love You Mate! please Cheap up the Fight for our Rights and Country.God Bless you!
Submitted by Craig
2025-01-23 09:07:25
Why is our our country going south, in my opinion the standard set at parliament during discussions in question time is appalling and this flows out to the community, the amount of wasted time from the speaker of the house continually trying to control the politicians is ridiculous, poor work ethics, very little productivity, very little respect to all members of parliament. this needs to change if this is fixed it should flow out to the community, In my opinion most politicians treat the public of Australia with very little or no respect as I see there is so much wasted money and continually lying. Put this to government put out and show a spread sheet of income and expenditure for the public to view to see how this country is managed. WD
Submitted by WAYNE
2025-01-20 00:18:52
Can we please have a focus on kids attending school. It seems to be optional for kids these days to attend. It is adding to the poverty trap. Without an educated youth we will have a country of people who cannot care for themselves.
Submitted by Bronwyn
2025-01-19 22:45:00
Bruce HW, when are we going to get better roads? Lock the bloody kids up, don’t even feel safe in daylight now, sad
Submitted by Sue
2025-01-18 09:45:05
Can you do something about a street in Cairns it is Grove Street that runs down beside a creek the street need fixing up or re doing
Submitted by Bobby
2025-01-18 06:59:21
Firstly, all Covid vaccine mandates need to be dropped and the promotion of the Poisonous Jab needs to be stopped. Too many have died or suffering horrible side effects. Secondly, the spraying of toxic chemicles in our skies, (all in the name of Climate Change) to block out the sun is a disaster. This also needs to be addressed.
Submitted by Melinda
2025-01-17 00:27:38
I don’t want to belong to a political party, however I strongly believe that all federal and state governments are happy to neglect the infrastructure of FNQ. The most urgent need is highly suitable road between Mareeba and Cairns. Suitable for all the heavy vehicles and trade vehicles that currently have to use the Kuranda Range on the Kennedy Highway. With no road, there will be no serious development in the northern tablelands region. The Mareeba airfield is suitable for further expansion. There is a military base near Weipa, there is land that isn’t suitable for agriculture and could be used for important manufacturing centres such as a recycling centre. The list hours on. The NE of Queensland could become a vital and important part of the state. Not just a tourist destination.
Submitted by Kate
2025-01-16 20:42:57
The government needs to stop locking up the bush it’s making it near impossible to take our kids camping in the bush everything is caravan parks what about when we grew up when you could camp on a river teach the kids to fish develop bush skills but now all the national parks have been locked up no 4x4 no buggies or moto bikes. You want us to take up arms to protect this nation and yet we are locked out of everywhere why would I fight? . As for electric cars get Chris Bowen in his elec car and get him to drive from cairns to Weipa let’s see how far he gets and yet there is no tax exception for regional residence to have the new car pollution tax removed there isn’t the roads or infrastructure in place on the cape.
Submitted by Glenn
2025-01-16 09:36:16
Weapons Licensing in Queensland I would like to see KAP support legitimate licensed firearms owners by ensuring that the current firearms amnesty for persons who wish to surrender a firearm or register an unregistered firearm continues indefinitely. It would also be good id KAP could introduce legislation in Queensland to make the current system less complex, less costly and speedier. It would also be good to introduce legislation to allow licensed persons to own suppressors. This is an important health (hearing) initiative as well as important for the control of feral animals such as cats and wild domestic breed dogs (not dingoes). It would also be good to change legislation to allow licenses to be issued for up to 10 years and to have expiry dates aligned to drivers licenses or other photo docs such as passports. documents.
Submitted by Bob
2025-01-16 07:03:31
1. Don't want Bill Gates modified mosquitoes in north Queensland. 2. Bring back army cadets in schools. 3. Crime is way out of control and needs to be addressed. 4. Bring back the cain in schools. 5. Pull out of the WHO and WEF.
Submitted by Peter
2025-01-15 04:01:12
I believe that we all need to be united in keeping Australia great, there is so much division in this country. Kid's are locked up for a reason, we need to stop rewarding them, get them working, a reason to get up in the morning.
Submitted by Irene
2025-01-13 22:24:12
I strongly agree with Castle Law, but in my opinion for it to work more effectively is that occupants should have adequate home surveillance in order to ‘use’ Castle Law to eliminate any foul play.
Submitted by Hare
2025-01-13 16:17:40
Hello KAP, I’m a strong supporter of this party and hope Rod Jensen (Leichart) is running again for the next election. I live in a remote indigenous community and like the rural
Submitted by Hare
2025-01-13 16:05:47
A lot of talk about more housing but no one is talking about more water. True time for the Crime will not work. Early intervention if that doesn't work training camp for 12 weeks with Defence then pick a Defence section Navy,Army and Air Force might be a better option that moght save these young felons. Stop Grandstanding and just do the job you're elected to do.
Submitted by Paul
2025-01-13 05:38:34
Over the local council, CCRC, crime, road from South Johnson to mena creek, [dangerous], last but not least, keeping our dollars up here and cutting us off from south East Queensland
Submitted by Christine
2025-01-13 05:04:28
I think the states of Australia are far too large, I think the Katter party should fight harder for more states/provinces. Federally I want to see something done about the health care up here. It shouldn’t be “normal” to still be in a waiting room, or sleeping on the concrete footpath in front of the hospital for more than 10 hours. Whilst state run, the police and criminal justice systems need an overhaul, crime is out of control and it’s just a joke to these kids. I firmly believe that a 3 strikes and your out policy should be implemented but I understand Australia is firmly in the grips of these do gooders that believe ppl can be rehabilitated. To that I say rehabilitated at what cost and paid for by whom?
Submitted by Simon
2025-01-12 07:23:01
COUNCIL RATES!! As a pastoral grazier, the sale of all farmland properties prices has gone through the roof and hence dept of natural resources uses these over inflated figures, and then councils to base farming rates. Rates for one farmer family can be around $80,000!! Why should one family contribute all this money to council?? All they get back is a road! Too busy producing food for the country, to use any town services etc. over inflated housing prices are also pushing rates up, and if rates were capped, then landlords could reduce rents to make it more affordable for renters as well! No farmer should be paying 10,s of thousands in rates,, we need support to get all councils to reduce rates. Etheridge council values went up by 500%, last year, and so did rates! One family farmer should not be robbed of rediculus amounts of rates, and has no fighting ability in council laws to have them reduced!! We need support to change this situation please??
Submitted by Rosemarie
2025-01-11 21:09:26
I am a Queenslander and would like to see the Katter party being even more vocal in regard to protecting the rights of highly scrutinized and vetted, law abiding licensed shooters. I have represented Australia 3 times internationally and will once again be competing for Australia in this years World Championship but am treated like a criminal by QlD weapons licensing and QLD politicians.
Submitted by Ben
2025-01-11 16:44:09
We need the Kuranda range to be safe .
Submitted by Helen
2025-01-11 08:48:39
Stop foreign interference. Stop foreign ownership of land. Use Australian resources in Australia. Get rid of DEI
Submitted by Scott
2025-01-11 08:41:02
I still think culling crocs should be high on the agenda. Even if it was an indigenous initiative to have safari's and encourage tourists, then the money could go directly to each community. They cull pigs, kangaroos, buffalo, brumbies, etc They'll never be extinct or domesticated. If they get close they have plenty of stock in farms. They used to be called when I was young and we could go swimming everywhere.. and if you have a farm you should be able to not live in fear of your life or your kids and livestock lives. Even if just south of the Daintree.
Submitted by Donna
2025-01-11 02:13:48
Strategic planning so the last 11Km of the Kennedy Developmental Road can be fully sealed within Two years this last bit is in the Etheridge Shire Council area. Strategic planning to fully seal all the narrow bitumen sections on the Gulf Developmental Road between Mt Surprise and Gilbert River with in the next 8 years. Funding to replace the single lane bridge on the Gilbert River between Georgetown and Croydon this is a vital link that connects the Gulf to the East Coast the needs replacing in the next 4 years
Submitted by Allan
2025-01-11 00:19:23
Hi are the Katter party going to reintroduce castle law to parliament this law had overwhelming support in Queensland and would give all Queenslanders clear protection when faced by invaders of their property. Thanks Phillip Lane
Submitted by PHILLIP
2025-01-10 22:13:39
I just completed your survey and while I'd like the government to solve the issues you've raised, the question is how. How are you going to get more funding for infrastructure for NQ over the rest of Aus / QLD? What are the infrastructure priorities? How does the gov do something about the housing shortage, when we cant build them fast enough, demand grossly outstrips supply, subsidies will only push prices higher. Where does the money come from to pay for these ideas? Foreign ownership of Aus. land should not exist at all, it should only be owned by an Aus citizen or Aus registered company paying taxes in Aus. I'd like to see corporate businesses
Submitted by Rod
2025-01-10 13:19:53
One of The big problems is companies not paying tax. Our immigrants sending money back to the country of origin so they can then claim an Australian pension. Sort out the payment of tax so all contribute then we could support people and infrastructure that need the support.
Submitted by Cliff
2025-01-10 03:55:32
I a fellow Queenslander would like to see the Katter party not just represent the northern QLD but all of QLD give us a third choice in QLD because we need it now more than ever. Only then I will think about becoming a member if I had a local member to support Thanks for your time team.
Submitted by Anthony
2025-01-08 09:56:31
Myself and my 3 kids are regular competitive target shooters and hunters. I'm concerned that Qld and other states will adopt the same strategies as WA to extinguish our way of life.
Submitted by Travis
2025-01-08 07:53:22
I am extremely frustrated that "we the people" have NO power to break in and over-rule if the government does something we really do not support. I would actually be happy for longer terms of parliament IF it came with reasonable (not too easy BUT also not impossibly hard) mechanisms for the people to step in whenever THEY deem it necessary. This could / should include things like citizens veto over legislation and recall elections for MPs. The literal meaning of the word "democracy" is "rule by the people". At present we completely "delegate away" that authority except for one day in every 3 or 4 years and virtually have a dictatorship all the days in between. No business owner would operate like this, signing a contract for a manager to have COMPLETE control for 3 or 4 years with NO requirement to follow the instructions of the owner. Why do we (the owners of "the business of government") continue to give our managers (MPs / government) such free rein?
Submitted by Bruce
2025-01-08 05:33:56
I would like to see the Bradfield plan completed in its entirety .
Submitted by Garry
2025-01-08 00:39:51
We need better pay packets across all sectors. Cost of living has grown, but wages have not kept up.
Submitted by Sue
2025-01-07 22:38:22
You have gained a huge amount of respect by your survey. First politician that actually ASKS his constituents what THEY want instead of deciding for them! Well done!
Submitted by Mike
2025-01-07 22:09:56
Your survey I just completed is too narrow. It needs to address the politically correct ‘woke’ cultural attitudes that are destroying Australian culture. Our society will get through funding for regional areas and other annoying hiccups but Australian values that shape the future are far more important.
Submitted by Russ
2025-01-07 09:34:46
As an a First Nation's man, I want see policies that don't recognise minority like lgbtq over First Nations issues for regional Queensland. Far Left ideology take precedent over the desires of First Nation people who are still struggling with the affects of the federal and state government policies and acts that stripped our people of developing as equals. Our Christian values are being attacked daily, I will support a party that puts our children's safety first. I will support a party who's policies support the reinstatement of professional fishing licences in NQ and not support the ridiculous current ban on professional fishing and the livelihoods of thousands of regional coastal Queensland's. I will support a party who will not preference the major parties.
Submitted by Richard
2025-01-07 09:13:24
Why oh why have we not put seat belts in school buses yet when there have been three bus accidents last year one was a children’s bus one was a wedding one was a regular service bus yet you all sit on your backsides and nothing to try to prevent more accidents happening
Submitted by Norman
2025-01-07 01:24:03
Needs to be rehabilitation and control over these kids and families in safety houses all over Cairns areas! And mental health patients being allowed to freely roam around and live homeless our streets and areas!
Submitted by Nolan
2025-01-06 23:09:26
I want to know why the government is even thinking about the GM mosquito release,funded by a computer nerd that thinks he is God,and why don’t the government listen to the people that voted for them and not the Chinese government and billionaires
Submitted by Andrew
2025-01-06 20:19:11
Keep Australia safe.
Submitted by Neil
2025-01-06 20:14:44
Please return to grazing lease holders ' The Right to Lock Up. Currently leaseholders pay rates as well as lease fee as well as 20 million dollars public liability insurance and have zero say or power over who goes onto the property and what they do. The leaseholder is responsible for them and what they do. People tear up the roads with their vehicles and ATM's, leave gates open, cut fences, scatter the herds of cattle to the winds during mustering, ruin access during wet seasons, start fires, shoot fire arms, and have even been witnessed trying to steal cattle. A sign has been placed at the gate giving the public permission to enter. My family have owned their lease for over 45 years and the government has changed things so much. They used to be able to lock the gates and know who was on the property as they had to seek permission to enter. Now there is even a Victorian TV show that has placed the property on the internet as a great place to go camping and four wheel driving. The government have no idea what a destructive and unfair decision it is to give the public access to leaseholders properties. The erosion is terrible. The local rangers are frustrated as well. Please give leaseholders back their rights of ownership.
Submitted by Wendell
2025-01-06 19:58:28
Submitted by Sandra
2025-01-06 19:44:59
The south east queensland should be declared a new state divided from the rest of queensland .
Submitted by Malcolm
2025-01-06 11:32:42
Adult time for adult crime is not even close to a solution. Early intervention is more effective and more cost efficient. Locking kids up doesn't work, stop with the politics nonsense on this. There are solutions that involve the kids and the families. Again, locking them up is not one of them. Abortion is healthcare and a right. The scare campaigns about babies being aborted up to birth just aren't true. Again, stop with the politics. Healthcare is a right. Dutton's only interested in division in our community. Terrible leader.
Submitted by Frank
2025-01-06 08:35:31
We need reliable nuclear power stations to be built urgently. No industry without reliable nuclear power
Submitted by Bernard
2025-01-06 06:37:44
I have worked for 35 years in fairly good paying jobs. I still cannot afford to buy a home and pay insurance and private health and rent, food and electricity and save enough for a deposit. I would like to see a government initiative of rent to buy your live in home. I would like to see zero foreign ownership of Australian homes to free up the market for us. I fully support nuclear power or alternatively modernised coal power stations. I would like incentives for our farmers to sell the majority of their food to Australians to bring down prices. I am all for a government that put Australians first. Our economy first. Development of our manufacturing and development sector first. We are an amazing and resource rich nation. Why are we becoming so third world?
Submitted by Matt
2025-01-06 06:35:02
1. Free speech must be protected - not outlaw debate on abortion as the Qld government has recently done. 2. Abortion needs to be illegal to protect unborn Queenslanders, for our own dignity as a community and the children themselves. The children are our future, not more immigration. Provide further means of support to child care and single mothers.
Submitted by Sarah
2024-12-18 12:56:13
What is happening with castle law?
Submitted by Jesse
2024-12-18 09:34:01
The Premier's motion to ban debating abortion in the Parliament must be overturned/rescinded as a matter of urgency on the grounds of human rights, democracy, free speech or whatever. Is it constitutional to move such a motion as he has done?
Submitted by William
2024-12-18 01:34:21
I would like you to continue your fight for the live births legislation. I know abortion has been silenced in parliament ( which is wrong) but the live births issue is not about abortion. The abortion has taken place. It is a human right issue - that when a human is separated from a mothers body , is has the same rights of every living individual to care
Submitted by Jeanette
2024-12-17 11:57:25
Now is the time to remove foolish protection laws for sharks, crocodiles, snakes, flying foxes and clearing vegetation that impacts production. There is a truth highlighted by history that says “What you don’t use you lose” The annual fires in Victoria give testimony to the harvest of socialistic clearing laws, nothing to do with emissions. We are not proposing extinction but mankind should have dominion where he resides. There are millions of acres of wild forest for flying foxes and snakes. Also vast expanses of ocean for sharks and rivers for crocodiles. But where mankind resides should be safe and free to enjoy that environment, our beaches parks and rivers near settlements. Fining people $30,000 for killing a crocodile that is killing your livestock seems somewhat out of balance when an NRL footballer can drive a car unlicensed, be full of illicit drugs run into another car harming a mother and child and only receive an $895 fine. Someone needs to stand up against all this false science that is indoctrinating our future generations. Unless the State Education curriculum is overhauled all our future leaders will continue to be deceived into a world of fantasy. The best way to fight all these lies is in the schoolroom. Thank you for listening.
Submitted by Stephen
2024-12-17 10:24:08
I believe the issues that you are tackling right at the moment are probably the most important of what the state is facing at this direct time. One other issue that we are currently are facing that is constantly overlooked is the state of the Bruce Hi way, I have travelled this Rd for a good 12-14 years from Cairns to Brisbane ranging between several times a month or in not so much of the distant time once a week. Thus particular road is in very poor order especially for a 100km per hour national hiway, I for one would like that rd to resemble what the NT have which is thicker based rd surfaces that don't need constant repair as they are at a capacity to have road trains transport freight on a daily basis. There is 2 ways we can spread out the usage of this rd is by putting in a proposal for a national duel lane hiway from Brisbane to Cairns, this could be achieved by stage based work as they currently have done from Brisbane to Gympie, by continuing the link from Gympie north to Rockhampton the Rocky to Mackay then Mackay to Townsville and then onto Cairns. The man power to produce this rd or the staging moments for it is a massive job, I believe by giving these teens that are constantly in jail and in court as a revolving door have some sort of program to be put in place under main roads wing as a second chance at life and to be apart of something new and exciting for the state. This would decrease the cost in the development of the road as well as construction, if police and corrections officers were to oversee the discipline of these teens as well as maintaining their presence at work it would give these kids a second chance at life and to have long term potential for a career in construction or on the roads. There is a lot more to be considered but that is just a case for a big brainstorming session to have this achieved, I believe if this was put to a vote for the Qld people I believe this would pass especially from the friends and families of these teens as well as the victims of crime, this would take pressure off the current jail numbers and have room for the real criminals. Just a few ideas, I have been thinking about and talking with numerous people about in and out of my business. I look forward to hearing back from this in the future, as I'm sure Robbie and Bob would both generally agree. Kind regards Matt Impey Matt's Transport
Submitted by Matt
2024-12-17 10:20:51
David Crusafulli has let down Queenslanders by shutting down conversation on Abortion. Late term abortions up until birth are an abhorrent disgrace bought in by the previous Labor government and the LNP has now turned its back on conservative voters and more importantly fully formed unborn children in a cold blooded captains call. Please keep this government and David Crusafulli honest on these type of issues as the Katter Australia Party seems to be the only party left we can trust.
Submitted by Mark
2024-12-17 09:44:01
I feel very strongly about the right to life of the unborn and I am strongly opposed to euthanasia. It upset me to read that our new premier has banned all discussion about abortion.
Submitted by Robert
2024-12-17 08:45:46
Submitted by Christopher
2024-12-17 08:07:25
Very happy with the KAP direction, very strongly believe the "minimum shoot" laws must be cancelled or at the very least reduced to one shoot per class, per year, the current rate is putting extreme pressure on house hold expenses and creating servere stress on shooters and their families.
Submitted by C.
2024-12-17 08:06:45
with the cost of living rising so high could a fair system of being able to earn more on the pension im not asking for a bag load of money just more than the crumbs they say you can earn [ a reasonable amount would not go astray ]
Submitted by william
2024-12-17 07:22:41
Have my say Another point To end the duopoly party system Make voters more aware for a three party system, united , With independents for better accountability from the two major party's.
Submitted by Tony
2024-12-14 04:54:32
We need to keep people safe on our beaches ,crocodile numbers are getting out of control , culling is needed immediately
Submitted by Jonathan
2024-12-13 21:36:44
Castle law- I want the Criminal Code amended to include a definition of when lethal force is possible. The terminology around reasonable apprehension and how the objective standard is applied also needs to be clearly defined.
Submitted by Peter
2024-12-13 20:39:53
Succeed with a seperate State of North Qld
Submitted by Richard
2024-12-13 11:08:07
Without the Katters, north Qld would struggle, thank goodness for your strength
Submitted by Jan
2024-12-13 08:05:56
Dear Minister. I am writing to you to congratulate you and the party on yore stance against the Crisifulli Bill (banned from speaking about abortion) and also the stance in regards late term abortions and the treatment of those babies. This current bill smacks of something like there recently defeated Misinformation and Disinformation Bill and is a direct attack on your freedom of speech. It should be rescinded immediately and open discussion made possible in regards the treatment of late term aborted babies and the ending of late term abortions. Thank you for your politeness and strong and the principled stance in regards these issues.
Submitted by Chris
2024-12-12 01:06:09
I have no experience in politics. I live in Proserpine Qld. I was born and raised in Lebanon and have huge concerns regarding the trajectory that Australia is taking. I don’t recognise the Australia that I kissed her ground when we arrived in Sydney in 1987. I want to fight for Australia as I know what it’s like to lose my country (I’m fighting for Lebanon too!). If you see an opportunity for me to join your fight to make Australia great again, I would love to have a chat. 0402330962
Submitted by Anne-Marie
2024-11-22 07:18:05
I liked the article about speeding in the Cairns Post very much, but it should have been done before the election and you should have had a stand at the Caravonica High School on the day. The demerit points penalty system must be abolished especially for country people for whom a vehicle is essential and this revenue raising must stop now so please concentrate on this issue!!
Submitted by John
2024-11-12 06:14:40
Good to see KAP win at least 3 seats. Pleasing to see a fair dinkum party that tells the truth, defends babies regarding all lives matter. Katter Party is the only party with fair dinkum solutions.
Submitted by Mark
2024-10-28 07:55:52
I wish I was in your electorate Mr Katter because I admire you standing up for your beliefs. Unborn lives matter! Please do not compromise your beliefs
Submitted by Barb
2024-10-26 09:58:15
I love your firearms policy and hopefully KAP will be in a position to effect real change at Weapons Licensing Branch. The red tape is ridiculous especially a PTA for every gun you buy. Once you are licensed that should be it. Bloody appearance laws are ridiculous too. I live in Brisbane so unfortunately I can’t vote for you, I have lived in NQ though and have a real soft spot for the place. Good luck.
Submitted by Ben
2024-10-24 06:49:08
Car theft in Cairns and Townsville. Break and enter, youth crime
Submitted by Charlie
2024-10-19 13:45:29
Stop youth crime, adult crime, adult time. Women have the right to decide on their own body decisions. Help aged pensioners be able to afford a place to live.
Submitted by Dawn
2024-10-18 09:54:01
Do you support the Capricornia Energy Hub project in Eungella?
Submitted by Susann
2024-10-18 09:39:40
How do we, in future election cover more seats. I live in Gympie and was disappointed to see no KAP candidate. As a Cloncurry worker I see the problems we have in the Northern areas. But I think we need a broader approach. (Nation wide). I believe the more seats KAP win the closer we will be to finding a solution to youth crime.
Submitted by Tony
2024-10-17 20:32:41
Thank you all for standing for religious freedom, and freedom of speech, against harm done to children, youth and the aged through questionable medical practise, as well as maintaining morality.
Submitted by Janeen
2024-10-16 23:12:11
Where we live there are many people driving around unregistered, unlicensed and in vehicles that are obviously unroadworthy. We have spoken to some of these drivers to no avail. We have spoken to the local police who told us to contact crime stoppers. There is also quad bikes and side by sides using the roads and ripping up the beaches again police and local council have done nothing about this. I’m also concerned and annoyed by the number of illegal dwellings in our area. Council have done nothing about the poorly built structures being constructed in a cyclone area. Road sealing program. Why has government not sealed our roads? Every year they spend a fortune grading and fixing the unsealed roads for the wet season to wash them into the creeks and Daintree river and out on to the Great Barrier Reef. The road sealing program stopped eighteen years ago after just one kilometer of Forest Creek Road was done. We need proactive government to take control of Queensland
Submitted by Tim
2024-10-14 09:59:02
Black spots everywhere with regards to CCTV coverage at Rockhampton Correctional Centre. My son Benn Schinkel was assaulted on October 22nd 2022 at the Centre and passed away from his injuries the next day. No CCTV where he was assaulted and TO THIS DAY NO coverage in this area for CCTV. Since 2016 the Together Union has been advocating for full coverage and Two Coroners reports have all been ignored by the Labor Party.
Submitted by Michael
2024-10-09 23:02:18
There are many important issues worth considering in the upcoming election but the need to restore protections for the unborn trumps them all. It is an absolute obscenity that our laws allow abortion up to birth. No sane, honest person could deny that legalising abortions up to birth was legalising murder. If we do not respect life, it is inevitable that our society will fall apart, crime will flourish and happiness will be impossible. There are few people prepared to stand up to the evil and damaged promoters of abortion. I applaud Katter's Australia Party election candidates for their strong and principled stance.
Submitted by Owen
2024-10-09 11:09:53
Drugs break and enters in a big way and the police seem powerless to catch anyone
Submitted by Larry
2024-10-09 08:29:22
Hi Stephen. Mate could you please give some advice on why you were dumped or defected to the Katter Party from one Nation. What are the differences between the 2 parties. Thanks Keith Whittaker
Submitted by Keith
2024-10-09 01:50:51
Is it true that you are preferencing the LNP and that if they win Government, you will put up a Bill to repeal the Queensland Abortion Laws?
Submitted by Holly
2024-10-08 21:30:42
You do have supporters in SE QLD, shame there is jo candidate for kurwongba, you would be my first pick. What Labour is doing here is also upsetting people, high density housing to maximise rates inco e at the expense of quality of life, it's shameful.
Submitted by Lee
2024-10-08 20:16:34
Well desperately need this state government to go please don’t give this BS mainstream media any amo ie abortion laws. They the media cannot be trusted
Submitted by Graham
2024-10-08 08:13:08
The importance of swimming lessons within schools from prep-year 9 (I’m a school teacher and I’ve seen a few miss drownings at swimming carnivals due to kids not knowing how to swim). $150 swimming vouchers be available to all Queensland families not just families on a health care card! Swimming is an essential skill that all Queensland children need to learn.
Submitted by Catrina
2024-10-07 11:38:17
Good Afternoon My QLD State electorate is Barron River, and I don't think we have a KAP candidate running in the 2024 state election, so can you advise on how to vote for maximum support for KAP? Cheers Richo
Submitted by Mark
2024-10-07 07:05:27
Dear Robbie, Congratulations on your Bill to protect the lives of babies born alive after abortion. It was a DISGRACE that the committee under Mr Harper KILLED the bill. Please keep fighting for our littlest brothers and sisters - the unborn babies LABOR is happy to see killed by abortionist doctors! Robbie, may God bless you. Eugene
Submitted by EUGENE
2024-10-06 08:11:53
Gun owners need to treated with respect not like criminals. Weapons Licensing Branch needs to be reviewed. Poor customer service is BAU at WLB.
Submitted by Ben
2024-10-05 23:37:14
No more theft... More consequences for their actions... More rights to the victims... Start listening to the majority not the minority
Submitted by Christopher
2024-10-04 09:26:04
If the LNP win will you introduce a private members bill to criminalise abortion in QLD? 93% of the LNP voted for abortion to be illegal in 2018. Including their current Leader and Deputy Leader who said: "I do not support the decriminalisation of abortion in Queensland"
Submitted by DJ
2024-10-04 05:58:05
G'day KAP, Up here in the Cape I have noticed All the people I speak to have NO idea that Mossy is running for cook. Sure you are present in Weipa, Cooktown etc, they are not remote towns, the people in those communities are all on Facebook despite living beside each other. You may consider being active on YouTube https://youtube.com/@kattersaustralianparty4432?feature=shared We in remote Cape York don't have Radio or Normal TV. We watch YouTube or Rumble for news. We are not on social media. You may say there is not enough of us to bother with YouTube or Rumble. Remember every vote counts, we are looking for change and you only need to win by 1 vote and that vote could be me.
Submitted by Jase
2024-10-02 22:42:14
If you break into my home I should have the right to defend my property and Family
Submitted by Russell
2024-10-02 19:59:42
Well done bobby... labour have no future
Submitted by Marie
2024-10-02 09:14:23
What are your policies on the right to life of the unborn child? Do you suppirt Israel's right to defend herself? Please outline your party's policies for me to consider for the next Qld state elections. Thankyou
Submitted by Kathleen
2024-10-02 07:56:34
Queensland has lost its way under labour, i live in Cairns where you could safely drive around, leave windows open at night and the city had an air or excitement and culture. I originally come from Zimbabwe where you have to take stern security measures at home, over the last few years Cairns is catching up whereby it is no longer a safe place to live as since labour passed the youth justice act and restricted the judiciary from handing out appropriate sentences for the crimes committed we are becoming a two tiered society, rules for all the hard working citizens and none for a select minority, this has to be changed and done quickly. Kind regards Rod
Submitted by Rodney
2024-10-01 20:13:48
Need to stop the abortion racket. God is life He will not honour anything in this nation while we honour the murder of human life. This current governance honours death to everything. Babies, euthenasia, mining, agriculture, etc.
Submitted by Noel
2024-09-30 22:59:13
We need tougher penalties for youth crime, and stop the five star accommodation they are given, they are not being punished they are being rewarded for their crimes.
Submitted by Wendy
2024-09-29 20:22:34
Good Evening My partner and I are seriously considering a vote for the Katter Party. We live in Idalia in Townsville. We have been discussing the need for the Katter Party candidates to present with a strong public face over the coming weeks. A clear message of the party policies and direction for the Townsville community needs to be delivered across different mediums to reach the people. An example, Send em out bush, how, where to, and implementation strategies. A real plan and not just a slogan. From the mouth of my grandson….. “they need to consider the impact on the out bush communities in dealing with these criminals”. We are keen to see change but want clarity and confidence in what and on whom we are backing.
Submitted by Leigh
2024-09-29 09:51:03
I would like to know who your candidate for Burdekin is Crisafulli is a major disappointment seems to be endorsing too many of labours policies. And the olympics need to go.
Submitted by David
2024-09-29 08:39:54
Dear Robbie, As a 'Financial Counsellor' within our community, it is disgusting that both 'State' and 'Federal' governments are not 'throwing' money toward having more financial counsellors on the ground - right here in the Isa. 'First Nations' financial counsellors who are not even part of our community are funded to fly in and out of Townsville, to service the financial needs of our local community. (I can name this person). Too much funding given to certain NGO's who employ financial counsellors. There is no accountability whatsoever with regard to the appropriate use of this funding. If the government can splash money on DV and make this the mantra for the day, throw some money at a 'Financial Counsellor' dedicated to DV. This person will be independent of all other DV services in town, function solely as a 'financial counsellor', 'financial literacy educator', 'financial hardship advocate, and a conduit between community members experiencing financial hardship and regulatory bodies like AFCA, ASIC, ACCC, APRA,. At present we have 'One (1) financial counsellor who claims to be servicing not only Mount Isa but also the surrounding region in towns like Cloncurry, Normanton, Doomadgee, Boulia, and Mornington Island. Pearl Turner is the financial counsellor's name. If the government and other human services organizations like QCOSS and DHS think they are adequately funding financial counsellors to service this region, they are sadly mistaken. Don't let Uniting Care, Save the Children, and Centacare fool the public and the government. Uniting Care: Have an office (asset) on Sunset Drive that is grossly underutilized. It is meant to house a 'Financial Counsellor' and a 'Family Services Worker'. For starters they have been advertising the RAFS position for months. Why aren't they getting anyone for the role? They also have a 'financial counsellor' who is firstly not from our community, and secondly who flies in and out of Townsville to service 'financial hardship' clients here in the Isa. The name is William Santo. Get Mount Isa City Council to employ a couple of financial counsellors, so these financial counsellors wholely and solely represent the community and are void of being tied up to an NGO. It would only make sense that MICC make the funding available and/or source the funding to have a couple of financial counsellors on the ground, here in the Isa. I am throwing my hat in for the financial counsellors position at MICC. I will not only manage my cases but will also groom and train a person another like minded professional.
Submitted by Paul
2024-09-27 22:59:27
I've heard you will join labour if they need you. Is that true?
Submitted by Frank
2024-09-27 09:32:01
Thanks so much for standing up for little children from innocent healthy and each individual preborn to the barbaric slaughter of new borns. Wish you had a member in our area as you are true to your word which is what I grew up to believe Aussies were and should be.
Submitted by Sue
2024-09-27 08:35:27
Please take control of the youth that are stealing cars
Submitted by Gwen
2024-09-27 03:15:37
Where are preferences set to go from KAP in Thuringowa electorate?
Submitted by MENNO
2024-09-26 06:04:26
I am concerned about : Climate change and the impact to food and water security and the viability of communities in North qld. The erosion of women's sex based rights through moves to allow and males to identify into women's spaces. Is my teenage daughter expected to compete against males in her sport? Should she be expected to share a dormitory with boys who identify as girls? Should she have to hide in a cubicle to change at the pool because males are in the womens change room. Why don't we have better public transport and cycling facilities in Townsville? There are so many cars on the road it's noisy dangerous, expensive and time consuming
Submitted by Gail
2024-09-26 02:55:41
Continue to fight for right to life. Continue to fight for Christian values and beliefs in all schools. Youth crime will be improved at the school level. I am a high school teacher in Brisbane. I also taught primary as well. Kids need good Christian role models at school. I am about regional Qld but I also think your party has lots of support and potential in city as well.
Submitted by Chris
2024-09-24 22:13:38
In which electorates is KAP standing candidates in the sooncoming Q election?
Submitted by Lex
2024-09-22 23:34:57
Change the laws so crocs can be culled. Home Hill Tafe is a skeleton college. Bring back more courses which will lead to jobs. More Australian Drs and specialists. Harsher penalties for drug offences, juvenile crime, violent crime, recidivists, look after our veterans. Stop sending so much relief funding overseas. Immediate stop to immigration. Bring back manufacturing to this country. Hold mining companies more accountable for mining accidents. Long term road upgrades for much of the Bruce Highway. Promote and support small business. Tougher laws for animal abuse. Bring in sentient laws for animals.
Submitted by Bron
2024-09-21 15:17:28
I believe Australia is too big a country with a growing population and our state a must be divided into smaller areas so smaller regions can be governed at a state level by locals who understand the area and represent the values of the constituents. (USA has 50 states while Australia has 6) Not only should Queensland become two states, but many other states in the country should be divided, and Northern Territory should become an official state, or parts of it combined with other states. My issue is, living in Central Queensland, we are closer to Brisbane in distance but closer to North Queensland in terms of values. I would not like to be grouped in with the corrupt South-East corner. If KAP petitioned to split Queensland, don’t do it at the Tropic of Capricorn, follow LGA borders, and let Wide Bay and Central Queensland regions fall under Townsville’s rule and keep the South-East and Southern Downs only under Brisbane.
Submitted by Eden
2024-09-20 12:30:18
1) Do you know if their will be a KAP candidate in Condamine Electorate 2) Where do you stand on Subsidence Management Framework relating to CSG-induced subsidence on prime ag land? 3) What is a question I can ask at "meet the candidates" session about the Born Alive issue
Submitted by gayle
2024-09-20 08:36:37
Key problem: roughly 98% of Australians live within 150 km of the coast ( most in 3 major city areas) - where a very large number work in ‘ service’ jobs - and have very little knowledge or interest of what goes on beyond city boundaries. In health terms alone men living in regional and remote areas are 60% more likely to die of diseases common to both city and regional areas. A vast % Australias wealth is generated from mining and agriculture - located in regional areas. Yet the NP and NFF no longer provide strong advocacy for the bush - in fact almost the opposite. Added to which ‘big business’ dominates access and influence to politicians - yet SMEs contribute 56% to GDP ( with 33% of that by businesses employing less than 20 people) ! It is 20 years since a politician knocked on my door at election time - and I am fed up with calling an MPs office to be screened by some wet behind the ears junior staffer. The major parties no longer represent the democratic interests and rights of the majority of our population. The grass roots have been forgotten.
Submitted by Robert
2024-09-18 22:39:40
We are being ripped off right/left, and center by various Governments both State and Federal with regulations, and taxes which do nothing for the ordinary working Taxpayer or Pensioner trying to keep ahead of all these rules and regulations that do nothing for the individual, but plenty for the coffers of those taxing, and regulating us to death. Time to give these 2 major parties the boot, and get back to a real Democratic system of Government. Getting rid of Preference voting would be a major start to returning us to a real 1 person, 1 voting Democratic system.
Submitted by Terence
2024-09-18 11:05:31
IfI could afford to donate I certainly would but unfortunately by the time I Pay insurance etc etc etc there is very very little left in my old age pension. However what really annoys me Robbie is the fact Afghannis can come into Australia - NEVER WORKED OR PAID TAXES and given good pensions - cheap rent - furniture etc and they will never ever integrate into our society. Yes we had the Afghanni Camel drivers when Australia was opening upand they worked so hard transporting all our needs for farmers etc - THEY WERE GREAT PEOPLE and worked so hard for our nation and THEIR NATION as well. But this new lot are NOTHING like theAfghannis of yesteryear - ask any returned vet who was sent there in recent times and they will tell you EXACTLY what these people are like. I don't want them in our country as they are going to ruin it totally and our way of life. I agree with you totally re diving Queensland as SEQLD don't give a fig about North Queensland or Central Queensland but they certainly like the money our mining industry etc give them. Keep up the fight and the good work for North Queensland andCentral Qld. Yes I am a member of the KAP and love allyou guys. SOLAR AND WIND FARMS - totally againstit as the wind farms are wrecking our native forrests and as for the solar panels and wind farm gear - they cannot break down when dumped AND ONCE THEY CATCH FIRE THEY CAN'T BE PUT OUT Kind Regards and every best wish for the coming Qld Election - lets get rid of FANG FACT COMMUNISTLOVER GO KAP Des
Submitted by MRS
2024-09-14 09:58:12
I refer to your post on Bigpond to day in which you stated that a Party representing country Australia is needed. Surely you would be the best situated people to form this party You have the people to head it up e.g. Messrs Bob Katter etc with the interest of North Queensland which contains a large area of country Queensland. I would also be very pleased to have a candidate from your Party standing in the Electorates around Ipswich in both State and Federal elections. Thank you. Wilson Boyd
Submitted by Wilson
2024-09-14 07:24:32
Hey KAP, Long time followers and KAP supporters. Just curious what your thoughts are on the sun tax for solar? We spent a fortune getting solar on our home, not the batteries as there are too many horror stories of houses catching fire, so we held off. Now we are about to be taxed for contributing to the grid? How does that seem fair when we are sending off our excess? Following the govt plan of renewables, it just seems we are being punished for helping ourselves with the cost of living and following the government agenda in regard to their policy of promoting renewables and lowering emissions. Now to avoid the tax we have to spend another $13,000 odd to get batteries, that we avoided in the first place, our original solar set up cost us $12,000. This government can’t have it both ways, surely? Particularly here in Townsville where people are utilising the 300 days of sunshine a year to generate solar energy, assist the family budget and now the government wants to take it away from us and tax us for a natural occurrence,. They can’t turn the sun off. Do we then get compensated for rainy days and having to draw back at a recently significantly increased high cost. So we are being burnt in both ways, we generate electricity they tax us, when we need to buy it back, they rip us. So much for the government helping families with the cost of living. It just appears that everywhere we turn, the government is finding ways to take more and more money off us. We hope you can have sufficient influence to prevent this abysmal and unfair burden on ordinary Australians from proceeding.
Submitted by Tracey
2024-09-07 23:37:24
Let us defend ourselves or get someone else to .....we are a forgotten part of our country we need help
Submitted by Crystal Sanderson
2024-09-07 22:45:28
What is happening with all of the stolen cars that are on the sides of the road that have been checked by police? The same cars have been sitting from Mission Beach through to Cairns for many months now it looks disgraceful and is not a good example when people are coming as tourists.
Submitted by Alexandra
2024-09-07 06:28:55
KAP is the only voice for North West Queensland with the gusto to tackle rising crime, unfair disputes in communities and take on the SouthEatst and their greedy funding programs ie 50 cent bus fairs and multi million dollar foot bridges. What a joke right?
Submitted by Troy Black
2024-09-06 23:28:29
All those in Authority, including Parents, Teachers and Police especially, need to have their rights returned to physically punish and teach all children that there are consequences for actions that hurt people or property! They need to be taught respect for people and property. For those that come from undesirable backgrounds, they also need to have that cycle broken, children removed where necessary, especially if parents/guardians are irresponsible with drugs/alcohol etc. and unable to care properly for children as they are bad role models. Children need to know you cannot do or say whatever you like, you need to work, earn money, pay for what you want, not steal it! Hard lessons need to be learnt. Sent out bush to work in the hot sun to learn skills for both inside and outside a home, like mustering, fencing, gardening, cooking and all sorts of trades! NB! No privileges like mobile ph's, tv's or computers. No do-gooders advising that they need this that and the other. They need nothing until they learn how to be respectful human beings. As they improve, so do the privileges. You foul up, you lose a privilege.
Submitted by Kerrie Moore
2024-09-06 23:04:42
Our entire society is broken. Keeping the same laws etc will not bring about change. Toughen up on patents from abdicating responsibility and if they keep popping out babies just to neglect and have them become state wards sterilise them! Parents need to be fined and or have welfare ceased if their children are not attending school and are committing crimes. I am disgusted at what this country has become! Ban the sale of alcohol or at least reduce the availability of alcohol sales and the amount that can be purchased. Ban the vaping. Totally ban the sale of tobacco products. Ban gambling. When I was a child we never had these problems beside alcohol was not so easily available. Gambling was illegal and police had authority and were able to exercise it. Juvenile detention was not a bad of honour! It was against the law for children not to attend school! Parents were accountable for their children and supported them. Welfare was not so readily available and there was plenty of work beside we manufactured. We were a nation progressing…creating industries and training people to become and remain employed! Too many generations living on welfare and not enough job to employ people as industries have closed and gone off shore. Kids are becoming patents and get welfare! Neglect ad abuse their children do the tax follsrd are stretched go provide for them. Criminals are terrorising law abiding citizens and the. Consequences for crimes are a joke! Seven years for murder and get out in two years ! Seriously assault some one and out within a few months. . Victims are traumatised for life and these criminals think it is a joke it is their entertainment! Psyc evualations on in all criminals and treat them in a mental health facility , for life if necessary as sane people do not keep Reoffending!
Submitted by Christine
2024-09-06 11:15:17
Katter party have good ethics
Submitted by Suzanne
2024-09-05 23:47:45
Please do something about it!!
Submitted by Betty
2024-09-05 21:13:10
I own a Taxi Licence and my car no longer works after 6pm. It's because the crime is out of control..The police are doing everything they can but I believe it's the courts letting everyone down..The amount of school age children walking the streets during the day during school hours is disgraceful..During the dark juveniles run the town..
Submitted by Joanne
2024-09-05 19:02:31
I am so sick to death of the current Albanese Govt forever giving themselves pay rises but not giving a dam about anybody else what so ever, not to mention our out of control Youth crime that both the state govt
Submitted by Gerard
2024-09-05 14:16:38
I have a $6000 debt due to property damages with department of housing which I was placed in due to domestic violence and because my house was broken into and trashed while I was in Townsville for medical reasons. Yet I still have to pay even with a QPS number. Im a single mother this is not fair.
Submitted by Lara
2024-09-05 11:28:58
Keep at it KAP … you’re the gatekeeper for us working, law abiding normal folk…
Submitted by John
2024-09-05 10:19:09
I do think Bob Katter should be the states Premier. We need a leader with a backbone ,one who is not afraid to speak up and say it as it is.To many politicians are frightened of offending this new breed of woke Australians.
Submitted by Steven
2024-09-05 08:58:44
Well my say for me is not out of the ordinary, firearm laws in Queensland are ridiculous and getting worse, due to the shootings at Wieambilla I can only imagine the wave of restrictions that are going to be introduced to the shooting community, we need shooter friendly parties like yourselves to stand up for us, LAFO’s are not the problem criminals are and we as the LAFO’s are punished because of the small amount of people that commit crimes with firearms, Around three in 100 Australians are licensed firearms owners. Expert says firearms laws have “little” impact on Australian homicide rate. ‘Majority of deaths by guns are by way of self-harm or suicide’: public health expert. We need to have castle doctrine installed so we can legally protect our families and ourselves in our homes so we are not dragged through court for years costing us thousands…. Very unfair. And of course youth crime I believe that the above mentioned castle doctrine would help to control crime after a few have lost their lives, criminals don’t really want to die for their crimes, youth detention centres and for the lack of a better terminology boot camps like the ones that the kap party want to be installed would help a lot, education is the key, my uncle Elwin Torrenbeck used to run Aboriginal training camps to teach and train young people not necessarily all Aboriginals to work in the bush, how to be a good human and how to work cattle and to work the land, Jeff guest did something similar at petford, but these programs have all stopped but need to be reintroduced. After 1996 I have never voted for a major party I have only ever voted for the Katter party , John Howard made all firearms owners criminals overnight, it was unfair to every firearm owner in Australia…. If firearm owners were the problem then everyone would know it… we are not. Terry
Submitted by Terry
2024-09-05 05:28:26
Hi, I'm from Innisfail area. I'm appalled by the youths around here and their apparently endless disrespect, vandalism and threats to everyone. They ( and possibly their parents!) need consequences . Thankyou, Kim
Submitted by Kim
2024-09-03 21:04:19