Rural Pubs & Clubs

A fairer go for rural hotels.

The current liquor licencing framework requires all pubs to pay the same licence fee regardless of their size or location.

This means that a tiny pub in Georgetown pays the same licence fee as the Breakfast Creek Hotel in Brisbane.

In 2017, Robbie Katter introduced a Bill into Queensland parliament to establish a new discount licencing framework for pubs in remote areas, who will only have to pay 10 per cent of the current licence fee.

This policy recognises the important role pubs play in small towns, where they are as much a community venue as they are a place to drink.

KAP wants to see small towns and communities thrive, and one way to help achieve this is by ensuring businesses are not stifled by unreasonable fees.

This Bill gained the support of all sides of politics, however the 2017 state election was called before it was voted on.

Robbie Katter will reintroduce this Bill in the first sitting weeks of Parliament this year.