

The Week That Was

See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy – Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger – Robbie Katter, Member for Hill – Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook – Nick Dametto did this week. Katter’s Australian...

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KAP throws PETA to the dogs over pigging ban

KAP Member for Kennedy Bob Katter and State Member for Hill Shane Knuth have today slammed animal activists for being ignorant and hypocritical in their campaign to ban dog pigging, arguing that by preserving the life of the destructive foreign pest will...

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Labor’s grand plan to (de) construct dams

State KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has accused the Palaszczuk Labor Government of being ”progress stiflers”, following an announcement this week that the state plans to reduce the capacity of Paradise Dam at Biggenden (near Bundaberg)....

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Secrecy surrounds government’s bat review

A KEY government committee has refused to shine a light on the State Labor Government’s secretive review into their flying fox management framework, despite a direct request from Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. [pdf-embedder...

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