

The Week That Was

See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy – Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger – Robbie Katter, Member for Hill – Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook – Nick Dametto did this week. Katter’s Australian...

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30 years on and still no equity for minor parties

THE State Government has failed to implement a major recommendation from the Fitzgerald Inquiry that would improve equitable political representation and prevent deliberate and inadvertent interference in representation by the government of the day, State...

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Townsville MPs need to clarify position on Reef regs

TOWNSVILLE’S three Labor MPs need to level with North Queenslanders and make their position “crystal clear” on proposed Reef regulations that will hit farmers, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. [pdf-embedder...

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Dairy farmers only getting two cents a litre

The push for a full 10 cents a litre of milk is back on the agenda after Member for Hill Shane Knuth MP put a motion in Parliament calling on the house to support that for every 10 cents a litre of milk sold in the supermarkets, 10 cents in FULL goes...

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Final blow to Queensland agriculture only months away

In less than three months the Palaszczuk Labor Government led by Minister Mark Furner, “the Farmer’s Friend”, will deliver a crucial blow to Queensland agriculture, when the state’s last remaining and iconic agricultural and pastoral colleges are...

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