

The Week That Was

See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy – Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger – Robbie Katter, Member for Hill – Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook – Nick Dametto did this week. Katter’s Australian...

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Father Damian celebrates 25 years

A POPULAR Ingham priest had a night to remember last Saturday as the local Catholic community celebrated 25 years of service for Father Damian McGrath. [pdf-embedder...

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State asked to throw farmers mulga lifeline

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs have called on the State Government to urgently pass amendments that will give drought-stricken Queensland farmers vital relief by allowing them to use a natural resource they already own to feed starving stock. ...

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National Ag Day promotes good cause

A DAY celebrating agriculture will be used to promote a good local cause this Thursday when several local businesses and organisations join forces to help out the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QWCA).  [pdf-embedder...

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Dametto lashes Fed Govt on insurance failure

THE FEDERAL Coalition Government deserves to be “hung, drawn and quartered” if they do not take real action soon on the insurance crisis facing North Queensland, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto. [pdf-embedder...

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