

Billboard confronts Labor with crim reality

AN electronic billboard displaying cold, hard facts about crime in Townsville will ram home the reality facing local residents to the State Labor Government, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto.  Mr Dametto has hired a portable billboard that will display key crime...

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Premier fails to get tough on youth crime

PREMIER Annastacia Palaszczuk has refused to take control of Townsville’s horrific youth crime crisis after being pressed on the issue by Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto.  In a Question Without Notice asked in parliament this morning, Mr Dametto challenged the Premier to...

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Bill proves Labor is clueless on debt

A STATE Labor Government Bill that supposedly reduces debt will do nothing of the sort, says Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto.   Mr Dametto said the Debt Reduction and Savings Bill 2021, simply “moved things around to make the government look good for the State’s credit...

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Labor should come clean on kid crim age

HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has challenged members of the State Labor Government who support raising the age of criminal responsibility to come forward, after an internal party document revealed support for the idea.  Mr Dametto said it was only fair that law-abiding...

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