Become a Candidate

Want to be a candidate for the KAP?  Applications are now being accepted.

If you are passionate about rural and regional issues, believe in the importance of Australian manufacturing, and want to support small businesses and family farms, then becoming a candidate for Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) may be the right choice for you.

KAP was founded by Bob Katter, a former National Party member who believed that the major parties had forgotten about the needs of rural and regional Australians. The party’s platform is based on a commitment to support Australian industry and agriculture, protect local jobs, and promote decentralisation and regional development.

By becoming a candidate for KAP, you will have the opportunity to champion these values and fight for the interests of your community. You will be part of a party that is dedicated to standing up for regional Australia and ensuring that its voice is heard in the halls of power.

Additionally, KAP is a grassroots party that values the contributions of its members and supporters. As a candidate, you will have the opportunity to work closely with party members and supporters, build relationships with community leaders, and engage directly with voters.

Of course, becoming a candidate for any political party is a serious undertaking, and requires a significant amount of time, energy, and commitment. However, if you are passionate about the values and principles that KAP stands for, and want to make a difference in your community and your country, then becoming a candidate for KAP may be the right choice for you.

Please have your nominations in by 5pm on September 1, 2023.

Enquire to Become a Candidate