

Leaked letter the blueprint for NQ’s destruction: KAP

Leaked letter the blueprint for NQ’s destruction: KAP

A leaked letter outlining the Commonwealth Labor Government’s plans to hang Australia farmers, fishers and battlers out to dry in order to appease international elites has been described as the “blueprint for regional destruction” by furious North Queensland-based...

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Queensland’s ‘no’ was about more than the Voice

Queensland’s ‘no’ was about more than the Voice

More than 68 per cent of Queenslanders have voted “No” to a Voice to parliament but Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs say there is a bigger message behind the State’s overwhelming rejection and it’s not purely an Indigenous issue. KAP Leader and Traeger MP, Robbie...

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Environmental Benefits Ignored as Parliament Rejects Biofuels Bill

Environmental Benefits Ignored as Parliament Rejects Biofuels Bill

Queensland’s ethanol and biofuels industries has been dealt a significant blow as both major parties, and surprisingly even the Greens voted against Katter’s Australian Party’s (KAP) Liquid Fuel Supply (Minimum Biobased Petrol Content) Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill)....

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Labor’s $250 million youth watch-house band aid

Labor’s $250 million youth watch-house band aid

Hinchinbrook MP and Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader, Nick Dametto is outraged following an announcement from the Palaszczuk Government that they will be wasting $250 million of taxpayer’s money on a remand centre for youth offenders in Brisbane that will...

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