

Shock report echoes KAP sentiments for Relocation Sentencing

A report published today by the Justice Reform Initiative highlights the ineffectiveness of Queensland’s traditional correctional and detention systems and supports principles of alterative detention models with a focus on alcohol and drug treatment.

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Health Minister committed to Ingham CT scanner

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto, wasted no time in parliament this week meeting staff of the newly appointed Health Minister and also directing a Question Without Notice to the Minister during Question Time on Thursday.

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Palaszczuk Government writes another YJ hall pass

Legislation was passed in the Queensland Parliament this week making various changes to corrective services legislation within Queensland. One such change was to criminalise the act of adult prisoners gaining access to restricted areas of correctional centres, namely rooftops.

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Cabinet shake up won’t fix North Queensland woes

As Labor’s long overdue cabinet reshuffle unfolds, Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto holds little faith that the cabinet redesign will have the desired impact on crime, health and housing in the north.

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