

No expense spared for Woodford’s new youth detention

No expense spared for Woodford’s new youth detention

The State Government have recently announced the start of construction on their new $620 million dollar youth detention centre in Woodford which will consist of 80 beds at a staggering cost of over $7.8 million per bed, a price tag that has infuriated people across...

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Community consultation skipped by rushed Government green agenda

Community consultation skipped by rushed Government green agenda

The Queensland Governments’ rapid pursuit of renewable energy targets now align with the Federal goal to reach 82% renewables by 2030. This aggressive target is said be achieved through the construction of solar and wind farms and battery installations across the...

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GPS monitors no match for hardcore youth offenders

GPS monitors no match for hardcore youth offenders

Hinchinbrook MP and Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader, Nick Dametto has labelled calls by the Queensland Police Commissioner to ‘revisit’ GPS monitoring devices and expand wanding powers as an inept demonstration of leadership. The Hinchinbrook MP said he...

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SOS for Dungeness Rockwall

SOS for Dungeness Rockwall

The popular seaside town of Lucinda is the departure point of choice for commercial and recreational users and emergency services seeking to access the Hinchinbrook Channel, the Palm Island Group and the Great Barrier Reef. However, due to the erosion of the spit and...

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Furner in a tangle over NX fishing licences

Furner in a tangle over NX fishing licences

Last year, the State and Commonwealth Labor Governments imposed sweeping gillnet fishing bans across the entire East Coast under the guise of conservation efforts, while promising to issue 40 special NX symbols (licences) to eligible fishers who could carry on...

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