
Message from the President

Jul 13, 2018

Message from the President

Jul 13, 2018

The Federal Election could be called at any time between now and May 2019.  Katter’s Australian Party is in full preparation mode to ensure that we are ready when the Election is announced.

Quality candidates are critical to our ability to stand up and fight for things that matter to you.

We are always interested to hear from people are would like to become a candidate or to hear suggestions of someone you think would make a great candidate.

Our candidates should be committed to KAP’s core values and principles, and just as importantly, they should be passionate about creating change.

If this sounds like you and you would like to become a candidate or obtain more information on becoming a candidate please go to on our website or alternatively call our friendly head office on 07 4401 5037.  They’d be pleased to hear from you.

With your help we’ll keep up the good fight.

Shane Paulger
KAP President