Fair Milk Logo Scheme

KAP continues to fight for Australia’s dairy farmers.

The Queensland dairy industry is in dangerous decline. Queensland dairy farms have dropped in number from 1100 to 430 in just 15 years.

In 2015, the dairy industry contributed approximately $4 billion to the Australian economy, and employed 50,000 people.

We are at risk of losing this significant industry because of the supermarket duopoly and its treatment of farmers.

KAP wants to introduce the Fair Milk Logo Scheme. It would be a voluntary scheme, where milk processors who bottle milk could put a ‘Fair Milk’ logo on bottles where they had paid farmers a fair price for the milk.

Many people are happy to pay a little more for their milk if they know that the milk they are buying has come from a farmer who has been paid a fair price. Currently, there’s no way for people to know which milk this is. The Fair Milk Logo Scheme would fix this problem.

KAP’s Member for Hill, Shane Knuth, has introduced this scheme into the Parliament only for it to be voted down by the major parties.

Shane and KAP will continue to fight for the Fair Milk Logo Scheme.