Vegetation Management

KAP Is Standing Up For Farmers Against Draconian Vegetation Management Laws.

The primary foundation of a free democracy is property rights, and private ownership of property is the fundamental part of those rights.

The ultimate measure of control finds its origin in ownership, whether it be “Real” tangible property or the associated rights to it’s effective use and benefit, those rights are identifiable elements of property, bought and paid for by the respective owner.

Those rights are identifiable, those rights are measurable, those rights are transferable and therefore afford a value to the owner or desired owner as the case may be. It is the core principle of “good governance” to ensure that private property owners are compensated whenever government enact laws and regulations for the benefit of the public that in any way diminish the value of their property.

Implemented by both major political parties, the current regime of vegetation management laws across Australia have caused and continue to cause enormous personal, social and economic hardship to both individuals and entire communities as a direct result of government’s failure to adhere to the principles of justice, forcing one minor sector of society to carry the entire burden of purported environmental conservation for the supported benefit of all.

It is the core principle of KAP to respect in all cases whatsoever, the fundamental principles of property ownership. Subsequently, when government intrusion of private property is unavoidable, it must be, and only be, on the basis of just terms, that is, fair compensation. Such principles adequately accommodate intrusions such as laws and regulations impacting private property by compensating owners for ensuing loss.