
Surprise, surprise, the State Government announces another pleasure dome in Brisbane

Apr 20, 2021

Surprise, surprise, the State Government announces another pleasure dome in Brisbane

Apr 20, 2021

In this week’s papers we read that the QLD Labor Govt is planning to spend $1 Billion on another Taj Mahal in, you guessed it, Brisbane.

They’re going to knock down the Gabba, a perfectly good 40,000 seat stadium, to build a new 50,000 seat stadium.

So, it’s going to cost $1 Billion for an extra 10,000 seats – or one hundred thousand dollars per extra seat.

The major parties only care about Brisbane.

Meanwhile in North QLD we have a major highway permanently down to one lane at Kuranda. 70,000 people are trapped from FNQ’s biggest city and the QLD Labor Govt has known about the problem for six years and has done nothing about it. 

The major parties only care about Brisbane.

The Liberal and Labor State Govt’s have not chipped in a single cent for a new dam or irrigation scheme in North Queensland for 30 years.

The Hells Gates Dam (Revised Bradfield Scheme) proposal is sitting on the shelf ready to go. It would drought proof North West Queensland, double cattle production and provide huge, new industries for North Queensland such as petrol (ethanol), electricity, timber, sugar and algae technology producing stockfeed for animals. Hughenden, the Big Rocks Weir and North Johnstone Transfer have also been neglected and are ready to go.

We have a hospital system that is falling apart. With residents having to fly or drive hundreds of kilometres for dialysis.

Until we stand up on our own two feet and tell Brisbane’s major parties to stick it up their jumper, we will continue to be treated as the poor cousin. Every man and woman in North Queensland who goes into a ballot box and votes for Labor or Liberal should be ashamed of themselves.