

Katter calls on Albo: ‘Give Qantas back to the people

Katter calls on Albo: ‘Give Qantas back to the people

The “Spirit of Australia” has become a bastardized, corporate behemoth that can only be redeemed by being returned to hands of the people, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said. Following a tumultuous few weeks for Qantas,...

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RBA tightens the noose amidst Government’s drunken spending

Queenslanders are bracing for what is tipped to be the Reserve Bank of Australia’s thirteenth rate rise since May 2022 as inflation continues to hover around six percent, with many low to middle income earners wondering if they will financially see the year out...

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Katter demands action on banking reform

Katter's Australian Party (KAP) MP Bob Katter has called for urgent reform of Australia’s Banking sector arguing that it is necessary to protect individuals and their businesses, and the current inquiry was simply a banking PR and marketing exercise, dressed as a...

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