
What’s on

Jun 8, 2018

What’s on

Jun 8, 2018

Find out about upcoming events that our Members of Parliament are attending including community and social events.



Come and meet Daniel McCarthy, KAP candidate for Leichhardt at the


Date: Friday 8th June – Sunday 10th June
Location: Western Cape College
Weipa QLD 4874
For more information:


Queensland Renewable Fuels Association and the
Burdekin Shire Council presents;

Growing Renewable Fuels in Regional Qld – Project Development
and Opportunities in the North’

Date: Thursday 28th June 2018
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Burdekin Theatre
161 Queen Street
Ayr QLD 4807
RSVP: By Wednesday 20th June 2018 here;

For More Information: Katie Rose 
Cost: Free
(Drinks and light snacks will be served)
Details: Key industry leaders will be speaking at this event, highlighting the
importance of enabling biofuel policy, current and emerging renewable fuel technologies, updates on project developments, future fibre and co-product opportunities and QRFA’s role with supply chain engagement.