

George, you can’t leave the battlefield now – Bob Katter

George, you can’t leave the battlefield now – Bob Katter

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, is calling on George Christensen to rethink his decision to exit the political battlefield, with the major industries in his electorate (cattle, cane and coal) under existential threat from the Liberal, National and Labor parties’ decision to...

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Dametto applauds Maraka Queen entrants

Dametto applauds Maraka Queen entrants

The return of Ingham’s much-loved Maraka event in 2021 has seen Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto wish this year’s six entrants best of luck for the Queen Crowning Presentation on October 30. This year’s Maraka Queen entrants are Ava Stanford, Claudine D'Emden,...

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Katter puts affordable living on the agenda

Katter puts affordable living on the agenda

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, has used Question Time in the House of Representatives to put affordable living, or the lack there of, on the national agenda. Mr Katter asked his question to Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, and called for a deregulation of building codes and land...

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Katter’s Australian Party has pledged to inject genuine democracy and debate back into the Queensland Parliament, which has descended into “Operation Boring” according to KAP Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter. Mr Katter said he gave the Palaszczuk Labor Government a...

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Dametto congratulates Ingham’s latest published author

HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has applauded Ingham’s inspiring author Amy Aquilini on the launch of her new book STRONG. The determined young woman has made the most of the hand she was dealt after sustaining life-threatening injuries from a quad bike accident back in...

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