

Ingham Hospital’s Maternity Services need support not bypass

Ingham Hospital’s Maternity Services need support not bypass

Queensland’s healthcare crisis intensifies after the decision to temporarily suspend Ingham Hospital’s Maternity Services in the coming months becomes reality.     Expectant mothers due to give birth in Ingham will be transferred to Townsville during times of bypass...

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Make Townsville Safe Again – Send ‘em bush!

Make Townsville Safe Again – Send ‘em bush!

People travelling through one of Townsville’s main thoroughfares will notice a new eye-catching landmark - the Katter’s Australian Party’s (KAP’s) latest billboard. The unmissable caption, “Make Townsville Safe Again: Send ‘em bush” promotes the party’s number one...

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Qld on precipice of youth crime change as victims rage

Qld on precipice of youth crime change as victims rage

Queensland is on the precipice of long-overdue youth crime reform with the release of an alternative sentencing model that would send recidivist offenders to the bush to complete intense, long-term rehabilitation programs coinciding with hundreds of angry residents...

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Outrage as Fishing industry cops another below

Outrage as Fishing industry cops another below

Member for Hill Shane Knuth said he was not surprised at the anger directed towards what has been described as a "gutless" action taken by the Queensland Government after the announcement of the latest ban on Gillnet Fishing along Queensland's East Coast. Attending a...

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