

Katter Launches Bill to Keep Bush Kids at Home

Katter Launches Bill to Keep Bush Kids at Home

Turning the tide on bush towns bleeding their youths to the cities is a key focus for Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter, who has this week introduced his Education (General Provisions) (Extension of Primary Schools in Remote Areas)...

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Atherton Primary School allocated $1.1M

Atherton Primary School allocated $1.1M

As part of the 2023/2023 State Budget, Atherton State School was allocated $1.1 million for a new security fence around the school. Member for Hill Shane Knuth said he was pleased to work with the local school, P&C and Atherton Police to lobby the Minister to get...

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Queensland well runs dry on Ag training

Recently revealed data indicates that since Labor closed the doors for good on Queensland’s agricultural training colleges in 2019, little has been done to fill the gap and provide hands on agricultural industry training in areas across Queensland where they are...

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Dametto gets the ball rolling on Ingham TAFE campus

KATTER’S Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and State Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto is optimistic that drastic improvements necessary to breathe new life into the Ingham TAFE campus is another step closer following recent meetings between TAFE, Departmental staff and the Minister for Employment, Small Business and Training, the Hon. Di Farmer.

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