

Should the Olympics be put to a referendum?

Should the Olympics be put to a referendum?

The two major political parties in Queensland both enthusiastically support the hosting of the 2032 Olympic Games in Brisbane. The (mainly Brisbane-based) media continues to back the Olympics. There's only one way to find out what Queenslanders really think about the...

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Premier, read the room and cancel the Games: KAP

The cash-strapped Queensland Government need to follow Victoria’s lead and address the cost-of-living crisis by cancelling Brisbane’s plans to host the 2032 Olympic Games, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said. Mr Katter said...

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“Patients left languishing as SEQ Olympics scores”

Katter’s Australian Party MPs have slammed the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s “callous” decision to pour regional coal royalties into funding their Brisbane Olympics dream instead of adequately addressing the deficits of the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS).

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