

Pleas from victims of youth crime can no longer be ignored

Pleas from victims of youth crime can no longer be ignored

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto delivered a strong and emotive message during Parliament this week on behalf of victims of crime as he called on the State Labor Government to stand up and address the youth crime pandemic in Townsville and other areas.

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Collective calls grow to send kid crims bush

Collective calls grow to send kid crims bush

Queensland councils have collectively endorsed a new model of detention that would see young criminals sent to remote properties to serve out their sentences and engage in therapeutic and intense “bush therapy.

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Last chance for Qld to lead the way on seafood laws

Ahead of National Barramundi Day tomorrow (21st October), Queensland fishers, restaurateurs and pro-Aussie politicians are imploring the Palaszczuk Labor Government to lead the way on Country-of-Original-Labelling (CoOL) labelling laws.

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